This book is Li Er's masterpiece of novels. "A person, as long as he is not blind or deaf, will see and hear a series of "tragedies and comedies" happening in rural China. They do not happen "elsewhere", and they are not just "rural stories". You Whether you live in a city or in a country, as long as you don't live on the moon, those "tragedies and comedies" will greatly affect your life, your current and future life, unless you think you have no future." "Pomegranate. "Cherrys on the Tree" is Li Er's work involving contemporary rural themes. The novel's language is as diverse as flowers and trees, vivid and humorous, and the various characters have distinctive personalities. It is known as an allegory of Chinese rural society. Won the first "Chinese Book Media Award", and the film of the same name adapted from this work entered the
本书是李洱的长篇小说代表作。“一个人, 只要不是瞎子, 只要不是聋子, 都会看到和听到中国乡村正在发生的一系列“悲喜剧”。它们并不是发生在“别处”, 它们也并不仅仅是“乡村故事”。你住在城市也好, 住在乡村也好, 只要你不是住在月亮上, 那些“悲喜剧”都会极大地影响你的生活, 你现在的和未来的生活, 除非你认为自己没有未来。”《石榴树上结樱桃》是李洱涉足当代农村题材的作品。小说语言如杂花生树、生动幽默, 各色人物性格鲜明, 被誉为中国乡村社会寓言。荣获首届“华语图书传媒大奖”, 根据本作品改编的同名电影入
本书是李洱的长篇小说代表作。“一个人, 只要不是瞎子, 只要不是聋子, 都会看到和听到中国乡村正在发生的一系列“悲喜剧”。它们并不是发生在“别处”, 它们也并不仅仅是“乡村故事”。你住在城市也好, 住在乡村也好, 只要你不是住在月亮上, 那些“悲喜剧”都会极大地影响你的生活, 你现在的和未来的生活, 除非你认为自己没有未来。”《石榴树上结樱桃》是李洱涉足当代农村题材的作品。小说语言如杂花生树、生动幽默, 各色人物性格鲜明, 被誉为中国乡村社会寓言。荣获首届“华语图书传媒大奖”, 根据本作品改编的同名电影入