This book is an appendix to "Collected Works of Zhang Jie" and includes Zhang Jie's novels and prose works that have not been collected in the main volume, including "The Child from the Forest", "Love Can't Be Forgotten", "Whose Life Is Better", "Posey" Mia Vase" and more than 20 articles. These works once had a wide influence and were Zhang Jie's foundation works and famous works in the literary world. At that time, the majority of readers got to know Zhang Jie, a rising star in the literary world, and appreciated her distinctive writing style from these works. These works are also an important and unforgettable and indispensable part of Chinese literature in the new era. It is necessary and meaningful to reread these fresh and simple works more than forty years later, and at the same time commemorate Zhang Jie.
本书为《张洁文集》附卷, 收入正卷未收的张洁小说、散文作品, 包括《从森林里来的孩子》《爱, 是不能忘记的》《谁生活更美好》《波西米亚花瓶》等二十余篇。这些作品一度影响广泛, 是张洁在文坛的奠基之作、成名之作, 当年, 广大的读者从这些作品认识了张洁这位文坛新秀, 领略了她的个性鲜明的写作风格。这些作品也是新时期中国文学不可遗忘、不可或缺的重要部分。四十多年后重读这些清新质朴作品, 必要而有意义, 同时以此纪念张洁。
本书为《张洁文集》附卷, 收入正卷未收的张洁小说、散文作品, 包括《从森林里来的孩子》《爱, 是不能忘记的》《谁生活更美好》《波西米亚花瓶》等二十余篇。这些作品一度影响广泛, 是张洁在文坛的奠基之作、成名之作, 当年, 广大的读者从这些作品认识了张洁这位文坛新秀, 领略了她的个性鲜明的写作风格。这些作品也是新时期中国文学不可遗忘、不可或缺的重要部分。四十多年后重读这些清新质朴作品, 必要而有意义, 同时以此纪念张洁。