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Transliterated Title:
Mai hua
Gui zi zhu /鬼子著
Ren min wen xue chu ban she /人民文学出版社
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This book takes the protagonist Liu Er's experience of returning to his hometown to settle down in old age as the main line. It tells the current situation of the countryside and the changes in nostalgia and ethics. At the same time, it uses flashbacks and interludes to look back on his mental journey after accidentally becoming a city dweller, and on his life. The secret moments in the novel include fruitless love, loveless marriage, hopeless career, and the silent pain hidden in them. The novel not only has the characteristics of the Japanese who are good at finding bridges and gaps between the spirit of realism and modernist techniques, but also has a more stable aesthetic style and a deeper understanding of human nature and destiny that have been accumulated over the years after years of immersion. The structure of the novel is exquisite, the language has the restraint and implication of poetry, and the elegance and sharpness of a short essay. Of course, the background is the insight and sophistication of history and human nature in the novel.

本书以主人公刘耳年老还乡定居的经历为主线, 讲述乡村的现状和乡情伦理的变化, 同时以倒叙和插叙的方法, 回溯自己偶然变为城里人之后的心路历程, 回溯自己一生中的隐秘时刻, 包括无果的爱情、无爱的婚姻、无望的仕途, 以及其中隐藏的无言的伤痛。小说既有鬼子擅长在现实主义精神和现代派手法之间寻找桥梁和缝隙的特征, 更有沉潜多年之后, 岁月沉淀下来的更加稳健的美学风格和更加深入地对人性、命运的理解。小说结构精巧, 语言有诗的节制和蕴藉, 又有小品文的雅致和锋芒, 当然, 底色还是长篇小说面对历史和人性的洞明与练达