The content of this book is about: Zuo Zongtang, a minister of the Qing Dynasty and a famous general of the Hunan Army. His life is quite legendary. When he was young, he failed in many tests, so he turned his attention to farming, read many books, studied geography and the art of war, and became a bachelor of Dongge University and a minister of military aircraft. Throughout his life, he experienced important historical events such as the Westernization Movement, the recovery of Xinjiang, and the development of the northwest. His feats of regaining Xinjiang and safeguarding national unity have always been praised by people. The author has compiled years of research experience, used a large number of historical materials and new results discovered in recent years, and written this book with popular writing style and rigorous academic viewpoints. At the same time, in order to facilitate reading and make the content more vivid and intuitive, some illustrations are added, making the book a biography of historical figures with a certain sense of the times.
本书内容讲述: 左宗棠, 清朝大臣, 著名湘军将领。他的一生颇具传奇色彩。少时屡试不第, 转而留意农事, 遍读群书, 钻研舆地、兵法, 官至东阁大学士、军机大臣等。一生经历了洋务运动、收复新疆、开发西北等重要历史事件。其收复新疆、维护国家统一的壮举向来为人们所称道。作者集多年的研究心得, 运用大量的史料和近年发现的新成果, 以通俗的文笔和严谨的学术观点, 著成了本书。同时为了阅读方便, 让内容更形象直观, 加配了一些插图, 使本书成为了一本具有一定时代感的历史人物传记。
本书内容讲述: 左宗棠, 清朝大臣, 著名湘军将领。他的一生颇具传奇色彩。少时屡试不第, 转而留意农事, 遍读群书, 钻研舆地、兵法, 官至东阁大学士、军机大臣等。一生经历了洋务运动、收复新疆、开发西北等重要历史事件。其收复新疆、维护国家统一的壮举向来为人们所称道。作者集多年的研究心得, 运用大量的史料和近年发现的新成果, 以通俗的文笔和严谨的学术观点, 著成了本书。同时为了阅读方便, 让内容更形象直观, 加配了一些插图, 使本书成为了一本具有一定时代感的历史人物传记。