This manuscript is the latest novel about women by the young writer and screenwriter Shu Qiao. In 1974, the protagonist Li Yuan was born in a rural family in northern Jiangsu. She is the second child in the family. Her father, Li Dingliang, is recognized as the most talented stonemason and carpenter in the village. In the early 1980s, when the "Cultural Revolution" was over, ancient temples and gardens in various places needed to be repaired. With his exquisite craftsmanship, Li Dingliang got the opportunity to repair famous temples and ancient gardens in various places, and received relatively generous rewards, so he went with his family. Among the children, Li Yuan, who loved reading the most, also began a life of wandering and changing schools. In 1985, Li Yuan was almost hurt by a vagrant who molested women in Suzhou. At the same time, a serious rape and murder case occurred in the area.
本书稿是青年作家、编剧殳俏的最新女性题材长篇小说。1974年, 主人公李媛出生于苏北农村家庭, 在家里排行老二, 父亲李顶梁是村里公认最有才能的石匠和木匠。二十世纪八十年代初, 正逢“文革”结束, 各地古寺园林纷纷需要修缮, 李顶梁以其精湛的手艺, 得到了去各地修复名刹古园的机会, 并得到相对丰厚的报酬, 携全家一起前往。而几个孩子里最爱好读书的李媛也开始了颠沛流离不停更换学校的求学生涯。1985年, 李媛在苏州险些遭到一名猥亵妇女的流窜犯的伤害, 同时, 当地发生了恶劣的奸杀案。
本书稿是青年作家、编剧殳俏的最新女性题材长篇小说。1974年, 主人公李媛出生于苏北农村家庭, 在家里排行老二, 父亲李顶梁是村里公认最有才能的石匠和木匠。二十世纪八十年代初, 正逢“文革”结束, 各地古寺园林纷纷需要修缮, 李顶梁以其精湛的手艺, 得到了去各地修复名刹古园的机会, 并得到相对丰厚的报酬, 携全家一起前往。而几个孩子里最爱好读书的李媛也开始了颠沛流离不停更换学校的求学生涯。1985年, 李媛在苏州险些遭到一名猥亵妇女的流窜犯的伤害, 同时, 当地发生了恶劣的奸杀案。