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Gypsy outing/吉普赛郊游

Transliterated Title:
Ji pu sai jiao you
Lu xu zhu /路魆著
Ren min wen xue chu ban she /人民文学出版社
Publish Date:
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This book is a new collection of short stories by young writer Lu Xin, which includes ten short stories. Ten wandering journeys to seek seclusion, to foreign countries and back to their hometowns. In the process of migration and migration, the travelers fell into a gypsy-like twist of fate, traveling through life, death and love, destruction and poetry, and the wilderness. and tenderness. The character's brief outings turn out to be the beginning of an eternal wandering. Lu Xin's story is cleverly set up, the plot suddenly turns around, the truth is encountered unexpectedly, and the fate of the characters is like the rain that falls at midnight, it will always fall, and it is bound to fall.

本书是青年作家路魆的全新短篇小说集, 收录了十篇短篇小说。十趟彷徨低回的索隐之旅, 去异国, 返故地, 在迁徙与洄游的探索历程中, 旅行者们坠入吉普赛式的命运回旋, 行遍生死与爱欲, 毁灭与诗意, 蛮荒与柔情。人物一次次短暂出门的郊游, 却成永恒漫游的开始。路魆的故事设置巧妙, 情节陡然发生扭转, 真相不期而遇, 而人物的命运则像午夜时才降临的雨, 始终会, 也势必会落下。