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Tenderness and determination/缱绻与决绝

Transliterated Title:
Qian quan yu jue jue
Zhao de fa /赵德发
Ren min wen xue chu ban she /人民文学出版社
Publish Date:
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This book is based on the changes in land, showing the difficult process of farmers' survival and development. The novel begins in 1927. Xiuxiu, the eldest daughter of Ding Xueyang, the richest man in Tianniumiao Village in Yimeng Mountain Area, was about to get married, but was suddenly kidnapped by bandits and asked for a huge ransom. Her father ignored it to protect the land and let his younger daughter marry in her place. Unexpectedly, Xiuxiu escaped from the mountain on the third day and married the disabled young man Feng Dajiao out of helplessness... The love and hatred of men and women in the mountain village, the love and hatred caused by the land, spanned four generations for sixty or seventy years... The annual drama "Growing All Things" adapted from this novel, directed by Liu Jiacheng, and starring Yang Mi, Ou Hao, Ni Dahong, Qin Hailu, and Lin Yongjian has started filming.

本书正是以土地的变迁为背景, 展现了农民求生存、求发展的艰难历程。小说从1927年写起, 沂蒙山区天牛庙村首富定学样的长女绣绣正欲出嫁, 突被土匪绑了”快票”索要巨额赎金, 而其父为保土地竟置之不管, 让次女代姐嫁人。不料第三天绣绣从山上逃回, 出于无奈下嫁给残疾青年封大脚……山村男女的情与恨, 由土地引发的爱与仇, 贯穿了四代人六七十个春秋……根据本小说改编、由刘家成导演, 杨幂、欧豪、倪大红、秦海璐、林永健主演的年度大剧《生万物》已开机。