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205 Examples of Mixed Planting of Flowers and Grasses in Four Seasons/四季花草混栽205例

Transliterated Title:
Si ji hua cao hun zai 205 li
Ri ben wei qi hua hui yuan /日本尾崎花卉园
Ji xie gong ye chu ban she/机械工业出版社
Publish Date:
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When it comes to mixed plantings, there are so many combinations of plants and flowers that many people feel overwhelmed as to where to start. But in this book, you can first decide on the main flowers, then decide what type or image you want to create and choose the supporting flowers accordingly. This way, it is easy to combine the plants you like. The main flowers introduced in this book are familiar and can be found in most gardening stores. There are many ideas for mixed plantings, such as using close analog colors or opposite complementary colors, or using wreaths and hanging plants. Please use the examples in this book as a guide and look at your plants.
