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Cute stone clay hand-made tutorial/可可爱爱的石塑黏土手作教程

Transliterated Title:
Ke ke ai ai de shi su nian tu shou zuo jiao cheng
Ai lin bo yue zhu bian /爱林博悦主编
Ren min you dian chu ban she/人民邮电出版社
Publish Date:
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This book is divided into five chapters. Chapter 1 introduces the tools and materials needed to make stone modeling clay. Chapter 2 introduces various methods and techniques of stone modeling clay, including kneading - drying - polishing - coloring - applying bright oil. Chapter 3 guides readers to use basic shapes as the base, including pieces as the base, strips as the base, and balls as the base, to use simple shapes to pinch out some interesting little things, such as refrigerator magnets, brooches, etc. The examples are simple to shape. , no complicated shaping required. The cases in Chapter 4 are more practical and slightly more difficult, leading readers to make homemade household items, such as small label holders, small storage boxes and other cute and practical items. Chapter 5 is expanded content, combining stone plastic clay with other materials to make different things, such as longan duck, lychee

本书共分为五章。第一章介绍制作石塑黏土所需的工具和材料。第二章介绍石塑黏土的多种玩法及技巧, 包括捏形--晾干--打磨--上色--上亮油。 第三章带领读者以基础形为底, 包括以片为底、以条为基底和以球为基底, 用简单的形状捏出一些有趣的小东西, 比如冰箱贴、胸针等, 案例捏形简单, 不需要复杂的塑形。第四章的案例更具实用性, 难度也稍高了一些, 带领读者自制居家好物, 比如小标签夹、收纳小盒子等可爱又实用的小物。第五章为拓展的内容, 将石塑黏土与其他材料的结合运用, 做出不一样的东西, 例如桂圆鸭鸭、荔枝