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From beginner to master in throwing eggs/掼蛋入门到精通

Transliterated Title:
Guan dan ru men dao jing tong
Lan guo wei zhu bian /兰国伟主编
Hua xue gong ye chu ban she/化学工业出版社
Publish Date:
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The author of this book summarizes his rich experience of more than 20 years of work related to throwing eggs. Through three parts: common sense of throwing eggs, introductory chapter of throwing eggs, and mastery of throwing eggs, starting with the basic knowledge, terminology, card types, and basic rules of throwing eggs, step by step transition to coordination skills, skills in using bombs, skills in attacking cards, skills in defending cards, skills in remembering cards, skills in reducing mistakes and many other aspects, supplemented by a large number of actual card examples and more than 30 explanation videos, the book provides readers with a 360-degree comprehensive interpretation of the entry methods of throwing eggs and strategies for improving card skills.

本书作者将从事掼蛋相关工作20余年的丰富经验进行了汇总, 通过掼蛋常识篇、掼蛋入门篇、掼蛋精通篇三部分内容, 从掼蛋的基础知识、术语、牌型、基本规则入手, 循序渐进逐步过渡到配合的技巧、使用炸弹的技巧、进攻牌的技巧、防守牌的技巧、记牌的技巧、减少失误的技巧等诸多方面, 并辅以大量实战牌例和30余个讲解视频, 360度全方位为读者解读了掼蛋的入门方法和牌技提升策略。