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Hometown is a folding fan/故乡是一把折扇

Transliterated Title:
Gu xiang shi yi ba zhe shan
Gao yan ping /高雁萍
Nan kai da xue chu ban she /内蒙古人民出版社
Publish Date:
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This book contains more than 50 essays written by the author. With delicate brushstrokes and simple words, the author tells readers about the historical changes, folk customs, and special food of Qiaokao Village, his hometown that has been submerged in history, and truly reproduces Qiaokao Village in the eyes and heart of the author. The author is full of affection for the people, things, and events of his hometown, and presents the past and past of his hometown through them. He uses seemingly simple words to express his deep love and attachment to the hometown where he was born and raised, reflecting the endless charm and historical changes of Hohhot from one aspect, giving readers a sense of being there.

本书共收录了作者创作的散文50余篇。作者以细腻的笔触和朴实的文字向读者讲述了自己印象中的已为历史淹没的故乡--桥靠村的历史变革、乡人风物、特色美食等, 真实地再现了作者眼中、心中的桥靠村。作者对故乡人、故乡物、故乡事饱含深情, 通过它们呈现出故乡的曾经和过往, 以看似清浅的文字表达对生于斯长于斯的故乡的深深的热爱和眷恋, 从一个侧面反映出呼和浩特的无尽风采和历史变迁, 给读者以身临其境之感。