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Eve of the Three Kingdoms/三国前夜

Transliterated Title:
San guo qian ye
Zhang xiang rong zhu /张向荣著
Shanghai ren min chu ban she/上海人民出版社
Publish Date:
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The Wang Mang era that this book focuses on tells the story of how Confucianism, after failing to domesticate the monarch in the central court, further evolved to dominate local clans and eventually destroyed the Qin and Han empires. The book uses the fifty-year ruling career of Emperors Huan and Ling as the hidden line, while the bright line attempts to comprehensively and systematically restore the whole story of the disaster of Party imprisonment. On this basis, it carefully examines the mentality, purpose, and behavior of the people in Party imprisonment, and interprets the role of Confucianism in it. What role did the scholar-officials play? How did the mentality of the scholar-officials shift from assisting the Han Dynasty to assisting the Three Kingdoms? What was the relationship between the scholar-officials, eunuchs, and clans during this period and the figures of the Three Kingdoms? What were the views of ordinary people besides the heroes?

本书所关注的王莽时代, 讲述儒家在中央朝廷驯化君主失败后, 进一步演进支配地方宗族, 以至于最终灭亡秦汉帝国的一段故事。书中以桓、灵二帝的五十年执政生涯作为暗线, 明线则试图全面系统地还原党锢之祸的始末, 在此基础上细致考察党锢中人的心态、目的、行为, 解读儒家在其中到底发挥着怎样的作用, 士大夫的心态如何从辅佐汉朝走向了辅佐三国, 以及这一时期的士大夫、宦官、宗室与三国人物有何关联, 群雄之外的普通人观念如何。