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4 In the morning, 3 at night/早上四, 晚上三

Transliterated Title:
Zao shang si, wan shang san
Zhang bei hai zhu /张北海著
Shanghai ren min chu ban she/上海人民出版社
Publish Date:
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This book is a collection of essays written by Zhang Beihai looking back on his life when he was eighty years old. Some of the essays were published in the online media "Noon". In the preface, the author mentioned the riddle "What animal is four in the morning and three in the evening?" The answer to the riddle is "human", and said that the story of this book is his "four in the morning and three in the evening", and the title of the book is taken from this. Meaning from birth to old age. The author starts from his childhood experience - going to the rear, and tells the story of the mother and several children who evacuated from Tianjin to the rear during the Anti-Japanese War, crossed the Yellow River, arrived in Xi'an, and finally reunited in Chongqing, revealing a deep affection for their homeland and childhood. Nostalgic; talks about his family upbringing, his experience of being a rebellious teenager, being kicked out of the house by his father, and his first love; and his travels about becoming a United Nations official and working around the world.

本书是张北海在八十高龄时回望人生的散文合集, 部分篇目曾发表于网络媒体“正午”。作者在自序中提到“什么动物早上四, 晚上三”的谜语, 谜底就是“人”, 并说这本书的故事就是他的“早上四, 晚上三”, 书名即取自于此, 从出生到晚年之意。作者从童年经历--去后方写起, 讲述抗战时期母亲带着几个孩子从天津向后方撤离, 跨过黄河, 抵达西安, 最后一家人在重庆团聚的经历, 流露出对故土和童年的深切怀念; 讲自己的家教传承, 少年桀骜不驯、被父亲赶出家门以及初恋的经历; 成为联合国官员、在世界各地工作的周游见闻。