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The evolution of culture/文化的演化

Transliterated Title:
Wen hua de yan hua
( Mei ) Luo na de · ying ge er ha te /(美) 罗纳德·英格尔哈特
Shanghai ren min chu ban she/上海人民出版社
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This book presents new findings from the World Values Survey (WVS), a project that lasted more than 40 years and covered more than 100 countries and 90% of the world's population. In the early 1970s, Inglehart keenly observed that the values of people in developed Western European countries were changing. His empirical research proved that the mainstream values of people in these countries were shifting from materialism to post-materialism. In the past decade, Inglehart's research results show that the direction of value change is quietly reversing.

本书呈现了“世界价值观调查”(WVS) 项目的全新发现, 该项目进行了历时40余年, 覆盖全球100多个国家、90%人口的调查。20世纪70年代初, 英格尔哈特敏锐地观察到在西欧发达国家民众的价值观领域正在变迁, 他的实证研究证明, 这些国家民众的主流价值观正在从物质主义转向后物质主义。近十年来, 英格尔哈特的研究成果则表明, 价值观变迁的方向正在发生悄然的逆转。