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The evolution of American political conservatism since the New Deal/新政以来美国政治保守主义的演变

Transliterated Title:
Xin zheng yi lai mei guo zheng zhi bao shou zhu yi de yan bian
Tao wen zhao zhu /陶文钊著
Shanghai ren min chu ban she/上海人民出版社
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This book focuses on the evolution of American political conservatism in the more than 80 years since Roosevelt's New Deal, including Robert Taft and anti-New Deal conservatism, Goldwater and the conservative movement in the 1950s and 1960s, the rise of neoconservatives, and the Reagan era. conservatism, the Iraq War and the decline of neoconservatism, the Tea Party movement of right-wing populism, Trump and right-wing populism, etc. The author believes that the current situation of American conservatism is characterized by chaos and division, and this chaos will continue.

本书聚焦罗斯福新政以来80多年间美国政治保守主义的演变, 包括罗伯特·塔夫特与反新政保守主义、戈德沃特与五六十年代的保守主义运动、新保守派的崛起、里根时期的保守主义、伊拉克战争与新保守主义的衰落、右翼民粹主义的茶党运动、特朗普与右翼民粹主义等内容。作者认为, 美国保守主义的现状的特点是杂乱和分裂, 并且这种混乱还将持续下去。