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History of Whampoa Military Academy/黄埔军校史

Transliterated Title:
Huang pu jun xiao shi
Zng qing liu zhu /曾庆榴著
Guangdong ren min chu ban she/广东人民出版社
Publish Date:
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This book completely records and in-depth studies the development of Whampoa Military Academy, focusing on the important history between the official establishment of the Kuomintang Army Officers' School on Changzhou Island, Huangpu, Guangzhou on June 16, 1924, and the relocation of Whampoa Military Academy to Wuhan in 1927. , which studies the founding of Whampoa Military Academy, the founding of the army, the division between left and right wings, the storms of the Northern Expedition, the "party purge" and the changes in the military academy in chapters. A brief list of historical events and a character index are attached to facilitate data search. The study of Whampoa Military Academy is an important topic in the modern history of China. It is a topic that has both national influence and Guangdong’s advantages. The author Zeng Qingliu is an authoritative scholar on Whampoa Military Academy and is at the top level in the country. This book is an academic summary of his long-term research on the Whampoa Military Academy. It uses new materials such as the "Whampoa Daily" and the Hoover Institution of Stanford University in the United States.
