Content of this book: Wangcheng, a small town in southern Sichuan that is rich in traditional handmade paper, was once famous. The Yan family in the city became rich in paper industry as early as the Qing Dynasty and became a local tycoon. This novel is centered on the characters who walk in and out of the Yan family compound, showing the ups and downs of a small town, and outlining the historical changes and customs of southern Sichuan and Chengdu from before the Xinhai Revolution to the beginning of the 21st century. The novel is different from the narrative method of traditional historical novels. It uses multiple characters as perspectives, interspersed with the past and the present, with clear clues and flexible structure. The mythical plot adds to the fantasy literary artistry. What is particularly valuable is that the novel vividly demonstrates the handmade papermaking skills of southern Sichuan, allowing the traditional culture impacted by modern industrial civilization to be understood and remembered.
本书内容: 漹城, 一个盛产传统手工纸的川南小城, 曾闻名一时。城里的颜家, 早在清朝便因纸业而发迹, 成为当地大户。这部小说即以颜家大院里走出走进的人物为中心, 展现了一座小城的起落沉浮, 勾勒了从辛亥前到二十一世纪初, 川南和成都的历史变迁、世情风俗。小说区别于传统历史小说的叙事方式, 以多个人物为视角, 穿插于过去与现在, 线索明晰, 结构灵活。富有神话色彩的情节, 又增加了奇幻的文学艺术性。尤其可贵的是, 小说生动形象地展示了川南手工造纸技艺, 让被现代工业文明冲击的传统文化得以被了解, 被记忆。
本书内容: 漹城, 一个盛产传统手工纸的川南小城, 曾闻名一时。城里的颜家, 早在清朝便因纸业而发迹, 成为当地大户。这部小说即以颜家大院里走出走进的人物为中心, 展现了一座小城的起落沉浮, 勾勒了从辛亥前到二十一世纪初, 川南和成都的历史变迁、世情风俗。小说区别于传统历史小说的叙事方式, 以多个人物为视角, 穿插于过去与现在, 线索明晰, 结构灵活。富有神话色彩的情节, 又增加了奇幻的文学艺术性。尤其可贵的是, 小说生动形象地展示了川南手工造纸技艺, 让被现代工业文明冲击的传统文化得以被了解, 被记忆。