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safety line/安全线

Transliterated Title:
An quan xian
Liu gui xian zhu /刘桂先著
Chongqing chu ban she/重庆出版社
Publish Date:
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This book is a full-length novel about production safety. It is set in a fictional small county. Through a series of events triggered by an accident, it panoramically presents the story on the production safety supervision front and outlines the story of people who are loyal to their duties and never forget their original aspirations. Heroes of the Times, praising the loyalty, wisdom and responsibility of the front-line production safety supervisors headed by Ning Haodong. The author is familiar with all aspects of production safety supervision, and shows the life and emotional stories of safety supervisors in real and unobtrusive details. This book fills the gap in the creation of novels on production safety supervision in China and contributes to enhancing social awareness of production safety and building a solid foundation for safety. The production bottom line is revealing.

本书是一部关于安全生产的长篇小说, 以一个虚构的小县城为背景, 通过一起事故引发的一系列事件, 全景式展现了安全生产监管战线上的故事, 勾勒出忠于职守、不忘初心的时代英雄, 赞颂了以宁浩东为首的一线安全生产监管人员的忠诚、智慧和担当精神。作者谙熟安全生产监管的方方面面, 以真实、不悬浮的细节展现了安监人的生活、情感故事, 本书填补了国内安全生产监管题材小说创作的空白, 对增强社会安全生产意识、筑牢安全生产底线具有启示意义。