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Changing our path/改变我们的道路

Transliterated Title:
Gai bian wo men de dao lu
( Fa ) Ai de jia · Mo lan, ( Moluoge ) Sa ba · A bu sa la man zhu /(法) 埃德加·莫兰, (摩洛哥) 萨巴·阿布萨拉曼著
Zhongguo ren min da xue chu ban she/中国人民大学出版社
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Contents of this book: At the end of 2019, a tiny virus caused chaos in the world. Continuous changes have subverted the way we live, travel and work, making us more and more aware of the uncertainty of life, making us re-examine the relationship between ourselves and death, the individual and the greater self, the individual and the collective, and humans and the earth. Let us rethink the definition and meaning of solidarity. Will this strong stimulus be enough for all mankind to finally have a sense of community with a shared future? Will it slow down the crazy competition in technological and economic development? How will we meet the survival challenges, ecological challenges, global economic, political and social crises in the post-epidemic era? What about the challenges? Today, we have entered an era full of great uncertainties.

本书内容讲述: 2019年底, 一个微小的病毒掀起了世界乱局。接连不断的变化颠覆了我们的生活、出行和工作方式, 让我们越发意识到生活的不确定性, 让我们重新审视自身与死亡、小我与大我、个体与集体、人类与地球的关系, 让我们重新思考团结的定义与意义。这场强刺激是否足以让全人类最终具备命运共同体的意识呢? 是否将减缓技术和经济发展上的疯狂竞争呢? 我们将如何迎接后疫情时代的生存挑战、生态挑战、全球经济政治及社会危机的挑战呢? 如今, 我们已进入充满诸多巨大不确定性的时代。