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The American Dilemma: The Rise and Challenges of the “New Right”/美国困局:“新右翼”的兴起与挑战

Transliterated Title:
Mei guo kun ju : “ xin you yi ” de xing qi yu tiao zhan
Qiang ge zhu /强舸著
Zhongguo ren min da xue chu ban she/中国人民大学出版社
Publish Date:
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This book is divided into three parts. The first part analyzes the social foundation of the rise of the "New Right" and its core demands, and explores the fundamental changes in American politics behind it. The second part explores the domestic policy measures launched by the Republican government under the "New Right" platform, including the "tax reduction" plan, energy and climate policies, industrial policies, medical insurance reform, etc. The third part discusses the intra-party struggles and integration trends within the Republican and Democratic parties, as well as the future direction of American politics.

本书分为三大部分。第一部分分析“新右翼”崛起的社会基础及其核心诉求, 探讨其背后美国政治的根本性变迁。第二部分探讨共和党政府在“新右翼”政纲下推出的内政举措, 包括 “减税”计划、能源与气候政策、产业政策、医疗保险改革等。第三部分讨论共和党和民主党各自内部的党内斗争和整合趋势, 以及美国政局的未来走向。