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21St Century College English (Vocational Undergraduate Edition) Audio-Visual and Speaking Course/21世纪大学英语(职业本科版)视听说教程

Transliterated Title:
21 shi ji da xue ying yu ( zhi ye ben ke ban ) shi ting shuo jiao cheng
Yu jian zhong , Song mei zhu bian /余建中,宋梅主编
Fu dan da xue chu ban she/复旦大学出版社
Publish Date:
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This textbook is matched with the "21st Century College English (Vocational Undergraduate Edition) Comprehensive Course" and focuses on training students' English visual and listening skills. The teaching materials determine the framework and teaching content based on the latest teaching theories on English listening and speaking at home and abroad, the characteristics of vocational undergraduate English teaching, and the "China English Proficiency Scale". This book is the first volume of the "Student's Book", with a total of 8 units. It aims to improve students' knowledge through real and contemporary scenes, authentic and vivid language, practical and modern knowledge, and diverse and lively exercises. Visual and listening skills.
