This book carefully selects 12 short stories and short stories by Xiao Hong in various creative stages, starting from the famous work "The Field of Life and Death", and selects the early work "The Death of Aunt Wang", the autobiographical work "The Abandoned Child", and the classic works "The Bridge" and "The Hand" "Ox Cart", "Hazy Expectation", "Cry of the Wilderness", "Back Garden", "Northern China", the satirical novel "The Story of Wang Si", and the final work "March in a Small Town". Xiao Hong's novels have a strong personal style, smooth and delicate writing, and simple poetic language. Xiao Hong's novels include sympathy for the working people, satire on the exploiters, care for women, and criticism of society. They have profound humanistic connotations and have enlightenment significance.
本书精心挑选萧红各创作阶段的12篇中短篇小说, 从成名作《生死场》开始, 选取早期作品《王阿嫂的死》, 自传性作品《弃儿》, 经典之作《桥》《手》《牛车上》《朦胧的期待》《旷野的呼喊》《后花园》《北中国》, 讽刺风格的小说《王四的故事》, 到绝笔之作《小城三月》。萧红的小说个人风格强烈, 行文流畅细腻, 语言富有朴素的诗意。萧红的小说中, 有对劳动人民的同情, 对剥削者的讽刺, 也有对女性的关怀, 对社会的批判, 有着深厚的人本主义的内涵, 带有启蒙意义。
本书精心挑选萧红各创作阶段的12篇中短篇小说, 从成名作《生死场》开始, 选取早期作品《王阿嫂的死》, 自传性作品《弃儿》, 经典之作《桥》《手》《牛车上》《朦胧的期待》《旷野的呼喊》《后花园》《北中国》, 讽刺风格的小说《王四的故事》, 到绝笔之作《小城三月》。萧红的小说个人风格强烈, 行文流畅细腻, 语言富有朴素的诗意。萧红的小说中, 有对劳动人民的同情, 对剥削者的讽刺, 也有对女性的关怀, 对社会的批判, 有着深厚的人本主义的内涵, 带有启蒙意义。