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Once Upon a Time on Newman Street/纽曼街往事

Transliterated Title:
Niu man jie wang shi
Lu wei qing zhu /陆蔚青著
Zhongguo hua qiao chu ban she/中国华侨出版社
Publish Date:
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This book contains nineteen short stories and short stories, about 220,000 words. Each article is both interrelated and independent, forming a story on the street. The location is a story that takes place on Newman Street in Montreal, Canada. In the book, Yu Huan, Liu Xiang and his wife, as bystanders, describe all kinds of people on Newman Street. The coverage is extensive and not limited to Chinese people. They keenly capture the momentary life feelings of many little people: such as the experience of the takeaway boy Abdullah. The double betrayal of friendship and love, the convenience store owner Liu Xiang’s long-lost heroic dream in his tired life, the entanglement of many Chinese Americans between living in a foreign country and returning home, the downfall and decadence of the Canadian drunkards living in Drunkard House, the relationship between Yu Huan and Liu Xiang and his wife The inner disappointment when taking the oath of naturalization, and the final recognition of "we will always be Chinese"

本书包含十九个中短篇小说, 约22万字。各篇目既相互关联又各自独立, 形成一个街上的故事。地点是发生在加拿大蒙特利尔一个叫做纽曼街上的故事。书中郁欢, 刘翔夫妇作为旁观者, 叙写了纽曼街上的各色人等, 铺陈面广泛且不限于华人, 敏锐扑捉到了很多小人物瞬间的生命感触: 比如外卖小哥阿卜杜拉经历的友谊和爱情的双重背叛, 便利店主刘翔疲惫生活中久违的英雄梦想, 很多华裔在客居他乡与归国间的纠结, 酒鬼居的一众加拿大酒鬼的潦倒与颓废, 郁欢与刘翔夫妇在入籍宣誓时内心的失落, 以及对“我们永远是中国人”的最终身份认