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The Dangers of Translation: The Extraordinary Lives of Two Translators Between Qing China and the British Empire/翻译的危险:清代中国与大英帝国之间两位译者的非凡人生

Transliterated Title:
Fan yi de wei xian : qing dai zhong guo yu da ying di guo zhi jian liang wei yi zhe de fei fan ren sheng
(Ying) Shen ai di zhu /(英) 沈艾娣著
Min zhu yu jian she chu ban she/民主与建设出版社
Publish Date:
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The content of this book tells the story: In 1793, the British Empire, which was at its peak, sent an embassy to the Qing Empire, which regarded itself as the Celestial Empire, and opened the first official negotiation between China and Britain. This famous embassy was the Macartney Mission. After arriving in China, they went all the way north to the Chengde Mountain Resort to meet Emperor Qianlong, but they had a dispute with the Qing Dynasty over issues such as audience etiquette. The mission's goal of obtaining a trade base and stationing a permanent envoy in the capital of the Qing Dynasty was rejected, and they returned empty-handed. The author of this book, Henrietta Harrison, a professor at Oxford University, turned her attention to the two translators of the mission, the Chinese Catholic Li Zibiao and the British George Thomas Staunton.

本书内容讲述: 1793年, 如日中天的大英帝国不远万里, 派遣使团抵达自视为天朝上国的大清帝国, 开启了中英官方的首次交涉。这个著名的使团即马戛尔尼使团。他们一行抵达中国后, 一路向北到了承德避暑山庄觐见乾隆皇帝, 但因觐见礼仪等问题与清朝方面发生争执, 使团获得贸易基地并在清朝京城派驻常任使节的目标被拒绝, 无功而返。本书作者牛津大学教授Henrietta Harrison, 将目光转移到使团的两位翻译, 即中国的天主教徒李自标和英国人小斯当东 (George Thomas Staunton) 身上