This is a landmark royal memoir, narrated by Prince Harry, the second son of Charles III and Princess Diana. With rare courage and candor, Prince Harry tells the story of his life as the backup heir to the royal family: the pain of losing his mother in childhood, the loneliness and confusion under the royal halo in his youth, the repression of being scrutinized by the media during his growth, the entanglement of delicate and complex relationships within the family, the confusion and struggle with the traditional norms of the royal family, the difficult choice between royal responsibilities and personal happiness when love comes, and the re-examination of the past after leaving the royal family and going far away for love... It presents Prince Harry's spiritual growth process as the "spare tire" of the royal heir, breaking through the shackles of identity and pursuing self-worth.
这是一部里程碑式的王室回忆录,由查尔斯三世和戴安娜王妃的次子哈里王子亲述。哈里王子以罕见的勇气和坦诚,讲述了他身为王室替补继承人的人生轨迹: 幼年丧母带来一生无法消解的痛,少年时在王室光环下的孤独与迷茫,成长过程中被媒体审视的压抑,面对家庭内部微妙复杂关系的纠结,对王室传统规范的困惑与抗争,爱情降临时在王室责任与个人幸福间的艰难选择,以及为爱脱离王室远走他乡后对往昔的重新审视……呈现了哈里王子身为王室继承人的“备胎”,突破身份的束缚、追寻自我价值的心灵成长历程。
这是一部里程碑式的王室回忆录,由查尔斯三世和戴安娜王妃的次子哈里王子亲述。哈里王子以罕见的勇气和坦诚,讲述了他身为王室替补继承人的人生轨迹: 幼年丧母带来一生无法消解的痛,少年时在王室光环下的孤独与迷茫,成长过程中被媒体审视的压抑,面对家庭内部微妙复杂关系的纠结,对王室传统规范的困惑与抗争,爱情降临时在王室责任与个人幸福间的艰难选择,以及为爱脱离王室远走他乡后对往昔的重新审视……呈现了哈里王子身为王室继承人的“备胎”,突破身份的束缚、追寻自我价值的心灵成长历程。