This book is the fourth part of the "The Powerful City Series" spy novels. In the early summer of 1943, against the background of the Japanese army's successive defeats in the Pacific battlefield, the personal representative of Tojo Hideki killed in Shanghai, and Yamamoto Isoroku being hunted by the U.S. Air Force, senior Japanese agents Unki Murakami and Masahito Miyamoto planned "Operation Fulcrum" , appointed Fu Jianshan, a secret agent of the mysterious organization, in an attempt to replace Ling Yunzhou, a member of the Shanghai underground organization of the Communist Party of China, and then control all Japanese spy organizations in China. In an extremely passive situation, Ling Yunzhou foiled Murakami Yunxi's conspiracy, dug out the Japanese spies hidden in the Allied Powers' "H Group", secretly protected the Chinese spies, saw through the true motives of the Japanese military's "Operation Plan No. 2", and smashed The Japanese militarist aggressors' conspiracy to reverse their defeat in the Pacific battlefield.
本书为“叱咤之城系列谍战小说”第四部。1943年夏季初, 日军在太平洋战场接连失利、东条英机私人代表命丧上海、山本五十六被美空军猎杀的背景下, 日本资深特工村上云昔、宫本正仁策划“支点行动”, 起用神秘组织乌机关特工傅见山, 妄想取代中共上海地下组织成员凌云洲, 进而控制日方设在中国的各方特务组织。凌云洲在极其被动的情况下, 挫败村上云昔的诡计, 挖出隐藏在同盟国“H小组”内的日本特务, 暗中保护中方特工, 识破日本军方“2号作战计划”的真实动机, 粉碎日本军国主义侵略者妄想扭转大平洋战场败势的阴谋。
本书为“叱咤之城系列谍战小说”第四部。1943年夏季初, 日军在太平洋战场接连失利、东条英机私人代表命丧上海、山本五十六被美空军猎杀的背景下, 日本资深特工村上云昔、宫本正仁策划“支点行动”, 起用神秘组织乌机关特工傅见山, 妄想取代中共上海地下组织成员凌云洲, 进而控制日方设在中国的各方特务组织。凌云洲在极其被动的情况下, 挫败村上云昔的诡计, 挖出隐藏在同盟国“H小组”内的日本特务, 暗中保护中方特工, 识破日本军方“2号作战计划”的真实动机, 粉碎日本军国主义侵略者妄想扭转大平洋战场败势的阴谋。