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James Cameron/詹姆斯·卡梅隆

Transliterated Title:
Zhan mu si · ka mei long
( Jia ) Zhan mu si · Ka mei long /(加) 詹姆斯·卡梅隆
Jin cheng chu ban she/金城出版社
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This book is an artistic autobiography of the famous director James Cameron, which comprehensively reviews his film career and shares his creativity, screenwriting, and shooting experiences. The book contains a large number of original materials such as manuscripts, storyboards, and personal notes that have never been made public. Each manuscript is the starting point of Cameron's film magic, allowing readers to intuitively experience the creative process from sketches to the big screen. This is not only a personal biography of Cameron, but also an artistic work about how creativity transcends the limits of imagination. It tells how a creator constantly breaks through himself in the competitive land of Hollywood and creates one science fiction world after another that attracts the world's attention. For any dreamer, this is a rare inspiration book.

本书是著名导演詹姆斯·卡梅隆全面回顾其电影生涯, 分享创意、编剧、拍摄的点滴的艺术自传, 书中包含大量从未公开的手稿、分镜、个人笔记等原创素材。每一张手稿都是卡梅隆电影魔法的起点, 让读者能够直观感受到从草图到大银幕的创作过程。这不仅仅是一本卡梅隆的个人传记, 更是一本关于创意如何超越想象界限的艺术之作。它讲述了一个创作者如何在好莱坞这片充满竞争的土地上, 不断突破自我, 创造出一个又一个让世界瞩目的科幻世界。对于任何一个梦想家来说, 这都是一本不可多得的灵感宝典。