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Double-faced Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty/双面汉武帝

Transliterated Title:
Shuang mian han wu di
Piao xue lou zhu zhu /飘雪楼主著
Zhongguo min zhu fa zhi chu ban she /中国民主法制出版社
Publish Date:
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Contents of this book: Liu Che was born into an imperial family and faced the battle for survival at a young age. After several twists and turns of duel, he finally ascended the throne of the prince. After he succeeded to the throne, he was ambitious. He first launched an unprecedented "ideological revolution" and used Confucianism as the theoretical foundation to maintain his rule. Then he launched a "revolution by force", which set the Han Empire on a long journey of "destroying it even if it is far away". . However, Liu Che's dream of hegemony was completely shattered as the "peerless twins" Li Guangli and Li Ling were defeated and surrendered to the Huns.

本书内容讲述: 刘彻生于帝王之家, 小小年纪就面临生存之战。历经了一波三折的数轮对决, 终于登上了太子宝座。继位后, 他雄心勃勃, 先是发起前所未有的“思想革命”, 把儒家学说作为维护统治的理论根基; 随后又发动“武力革命”, 使大汉帝国走上了“虽远必诛”的漫漫征程。然而, 随着“绝代双骄”李广利和李陵的先后兵败、投降匈奴, 刘彻的称霸梦彻底破灭。