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He Qing Haiyan/河清海晏

Transliterated Title:
He qing hai yan
Ju zi bu suan zhu /橘子不酸著
Tai hai chu ban she/台海出版社
Publish Date:
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This book is a romance novel. The male and female protagonists are Zhou Haiyan and Tang Heqing respectively. Tang Heqing's native family was very bad - his father was an alcoholic and addicted to gambling, and would beat his mother and daughter whenever he lost money. His mother couldn't bear it and chose to commit suicide. In order to escape his father's beating, Tang Heqing was desperate and asked Zhou Haiyan for help. Zhou Haiyan accepted and protected her, saving her from domestic violence. Zhou Haiyan's mother liked Tang Heqing very much. Not only did she take her in, she also recognized her as her goddaughter and took care of her like her own daughter. At Zhou Haiyan's house, Tang Heqing felt the warmth from family for the first time in his life. Under the care and companionship of Zhou Haiyan and his mother, Tang Heqing spent his junior high school and high school career happily, and was successfully admitted to a prestigious university.

本书是一部言情小说。男女主角分别为周海晏、唐河清。唐河清原生家庭非常不好--父亲常年酗酒, 且嗜赌如命, 一输钱就殴打她们母女, 母亲不堪忍受选择了自杀。为了逃避父亲的殴打, 走投无路的唐河清向周海晏寻求帮助。周海晏接受并保护了她, 使她得以免于家暴。周海晏的母亲很喜欢唐河清, 不仅收留了她, 还将她认作了干女儿, 把她当作亲生女儿一样照顾。在周海晏家里, 唐河清人生中第一次感受到了来自家庭的温暖。在周海晏和他母亲的照顾陪伴下, 唐河清幸福地渡过了初中、高中生涯, 并且顺利地考入了名牌大学。