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Good Food Light Fasting Fruit and Vegetable Juice/好食光 轻断食果蔬汁

Transliterated Title:
Hao shi guang qing duan shi guo shu zhi
Sa ba di na zhu bian /萨巴蒂娜主编
Zhongguo qing gong ye chu ban she/中国轻工业出版社
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Intermittent fasting is one of the healthy lifestyles that is currently popular all over the world. Replacing daily diet with fruit and vegetable juice during intermittent fasting has become the choice of many people, which can achieve certain detoxification, weight loss and beauty effects. This book is a series of books called "Good Food Time". It selects more than 200 fruit and vegetable juice recipes and divides the chapters according to the effects of detoxification and swelling, low-calorie fat reduction, skin moisturizing and beauty, whitening and lightening spots, blood and qi supplementation, refreshing and anti-aging, kidney nourishing and hair strengthening, liver nourishing and eyesight improving, lung moisturizing and throat clearing, and regulating immunity.
