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White dragon prequel/白龙前传

Transliterated Title:
Bai long qian chuan
Zhao han zhu /赵晗著
Zhongguo wen shi chu ban she/中国文史出版社
Publish Date:
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This book tells a folklore story, taking the growth process of the girl Ao Rui as the main line, and vividly interprets the outstanding qualities of the Chinese nation of diligence, bravery, kindness and wisdom, and self-sacrifice for others. The girl Ao Rui practiced her skills alone when she was young. She has clear goals, self-confidence and self-discipline, optimism and strength; she trained hard in the mountains, she protected the environment and cherished all living things; she never gave up on her brotherhood when she experienced hardships; she responded calmly and calmly when she experienced betrayal; Her grace is deep in her heart and she is grateful in her heart. In the protagonist's experience, the author promotes the spirit of self-sacrifice and unafraid of sacrifice, and praises the protagonist Ao Rui's fearless spirit. The story in this book conveys the confidence and determination to stick to one's original aspiration despite all hardships and to protect the people and inherit civilization.

本书讲述了一个民间传说故事, 以少女敖瑞的成长历程为主线, 生动诠释了华夏民族勤劳勇敢、善良明智、舍己为人的优秀品质。少女敖瑞幼年孤身练习本领, 她目标明确、自信自律、乐观坚强; 深山苦练, 她保护环境、珍视生灵; 经历苦难, 她不离不弃手足情深; 经历背叛, 她从容冷静沉着应对; 受到恩惠, 她兰心蕙质、感念于心。作者在主人公的经历中弘扬了舍己为人, 不怕牺牲的精神, 赞扬了主人公敖瑞大无畏的浩然气概。本书的故事传递出: 要在磨难重重坚守初心, 护卫苍生传承文明的信心与决心。