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Emperor Qin Shihuang/千古一帝秦始皇

Transliterated Title:
Qian gu yi di qin shi huang
Wang li qun zhu /王立群著
Dong fang chu ban she/东方出版社
Publish Date:
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This book mainly tells the story of a baby boy born in Handan, the capital of Zhao State, in the first month of the lunar calendar in 259 BC. No one would have thought that he was the founder of the first unified empire in Chinese history. He succeeded to the throne at the age of thirteen, took power at the age of twenty-two, and completed the great cause of unification at the age of thirty-nine. He called himself the First Emperor, hoping that the empire he established would last for one, two, three, or even thousands of years. However, this powerful regime in the world at that time collapsed in the resistance led by several hired farmers. The short time of fifteen years in the long river of history and the great changes in politics and culture in fifteen years have created an astonishing historical contrast.

本书主要讲述, 公元前259年的农历正月, 一个男婴在赵国都城邯郸降生了。没有人会想到, 他就是中国历史上第一个统一帝国的缔造者。他十三岁继位, 二十二岁亲政, 三十九岁完成统一大业。他自称始皇帝, 是企幻他建立的帝国能够一世、二世、三世, 乃至千秋万代。然而, 这个当时世界上强大的政权, 在几个雇农首发的反抗中轰然倒塌。十五年历史长河里弹指一瞬的短暂, 十五年政治文化中革故鼎新的巨变, 造就了惊人的历史反差。