The book tells the story of the section chief's father who went to Qinduo grassland to learn about the situation of herders. He was received by Jiaoba Deji, the director of the commune who was transformed from the hereditary head of the tribe. Jiaoba was bold and a little self-righteous, and had a very high prestige among the herders. Jiaoba arranged for my father to live in the tent of Sangjie, a former servant. In an accident, Sangjie's wife Saimao was swept away by the waves while trying to save her father, a Han public servant. Before my father returned to the county after his stay, he took Sangjie's son Cairang, who was deaf and dumb but very spiritual, back to Xining for medical treatment. My father was promoted to acting deputy county magistrate, and he also encountered a problem: the higher-ups asked to replace Jiaoba, but my father understood that herders would ignore those who were not convinced, and replacing Jiaoba was equivalent to destroying Qinduo.
本书内容讲述: 科长父亲到沁多草原蹲点了解牧民的境况, 接待他的是由部落世袭头人转变而来的公社主任角巴德吉。角巴率性果敢又有点自以为是, 在牧人中有着极高威望。角巴安排父亲住在曾经的下人桑杰帐中。一次意外, 桑杰的妻子赛毛为救汉族公家人父亲被激浪卷走。父亲蹲点结束回县里前, 将桑杰又聋又哑却极富灵性的儿子才让带回西宁寻医救治。父亲被提为代理副县长, 同时也遭遇难题: 上面要求撤换角巴, 可父亲明白, 牧人对不服气的人理都不理, 撤换角巴相当于毁掉沁多。
本书内容讲述: 科长父亲到沁多草原蹲点了解牧民的境况, 接待他的是由部落世袭头人转变而来的公社主任角巴德吉。角巴率性果敢又有点自以为是, 在牧人中有着极高威望。角巴安排父亲住在曾经的下人桑杰帐中。一次意外, 桑杰的妻子赛毛为救汉族公家人父亲被激浪卷走。父亲蹲点结束回县里前, 将桑杰又聋又哑却极富灵性的儿子才让带回西宁寻医救治。父亲被提为代理副县长, 同时也遭遇难题: 上面要求撤换角巴, 可父亲明白, 牧人对不服气的人理都不理, 撤换角巴相当于毁掉沁多。