The book tells the story of two women with different backgrounds and personalities who met in a series of chaos. They hit it off and became sworn sisters. From then on, they were destined to play an important role in each other's lives. Xiaoyanzi learned Ziwei's shocking secret: Ziwei came all the way to Beijing to find her father, the Emperor Qianlong! Xiaoyanzi decided to risk her life to bring Ziwei's token to the emperor, but unexpectedly, Qianlong mistook Xiaoyanzi for his own daughter and named her Huanzhu Gege. Ziwei was shocked and saddened by this. She fainted on the ground when Qianlong took Xiaoyanzi to the heavenly sacrifice ceremony, and met Fu Erkang, the imperial guard. Ziwei was taken in by the Fu family, and she also had a secret love with Erkang.
本书内容讲述: 两个背景不同、性格各异的女子在几次混乱中相遇, 二人一见如故, 结拜为姐妹。从此, 注定彼此在对方的生命里扮演一个重要角色。小燕子得知紫薇的惊天秘密: 紫薇千里迢迢来京找寻的父亲竟然是当圣上乾隆皇帝! 小燕子决定冒生命危险将紫薇的信物带给皇上, 未料, 乾隆却误将小燕子当成自己的女儿, 并封为还珠格格。紫薇惊痛于此, 在乾隆带小燕子去祭天仪式上昏倒在地, 结识了御前侍卫福尔康。紫薇被福家收留, 与尔康也暗生情愫。
本书内容讲述: 两个背景不同、性格各异的女子在几次混乱中相遇, 二人一见如故, 结拜为姐妹。从此, 注定彼此在对方的生命里扮演一个重要角色。小燕子得知紫薇的惊天秘密: 紫薇千里迢迢来京找寻的父亲竟然是当圣上乾隆皇帝! 小燕子决定冒生命危险将紫薇的信物带给皇上, 未料, 乾隆却误将小燕子当成自己的女儿, 并封为还珠格格。紫薇惊痛于此, 在乾隆带小燕子去祭天仪式上昏倒在地, 结识了御前侍卫福尔康。紫薇被福家收留, 与尔康也暗生情愫。