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Before the Snow Fell/雪花飘落之前

Transliterated Title:
Xue hua piao luo zhi qian
Qiong yao /琼瑶
Zuo jia chu ban she/作家出版社
Publish Date:
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This book is about "life and death" and also about "love". Qiong Yao, known as the godmother of love, wrote for the first time to recall the true feelings of knowing and staying with her husband Ping Xintao, and questioned the meaning of life and death with philosophical writing. Her husband's dementia and bed rest prompted Qiong Yao to write down the last lesson of life - how to face and accept death. There is reluctance and grief in her writing, and even more profound philosophical thinking, questioning the true meaning of life, aging, illness, death and love. It is deeply sad, touching and thought-provoking. When we are alive, we burn like sparks, and when we die, we fall to the ground like snowflakes. To walk to the end of life with dignity is the embodiment of the original meaning of life.

本书是一本关于“生与死”的书, 也是一本关于“爱”的书。被誉为爱情教母的琼瑶, 首度撰文追忆与丈夫平鑫涛相知相守的真情点滴, 以充满哲思的笔触来叩问生与死的意义。丈夫的失智卧床促使琼瑶义愤提笔记录下这生命中最后的一课--如何面对死亡和接受死亡。笔下有不忍, 有沉痛, 更有深刻的哲思, 叩问生、老、病、死以及爱的真义。伤情至深、感人至诚、启人省思。生之时如火花般炽烈燃烧, 死之际如雪花般飘然落地。有尊严地走向人生的终点, 才是生命最初意义的体现。