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I am a cloud/我是一片云

Transliterated Title:
Wo shi yi pian yun
Qiong yao /琼瑶
Zuo jia chu ban she/作家出版社
Publish Date:
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This book is a novel written by Qiong Yao and first published in 1976. Wanlu, a free and carefree Taiwanese girl who is like "a cloud" as she claims, suddenly faced a crossroads in life one day: should she follow her weathered mother or stay with her adoptive parents who raised her, loved her and were deeply in love with her. The tragedy of love made Wanlu mentally ill. She was constantly wavering and suffering between the wholehearted love of her childhood sweetheart Gu Youlan and the persistent love of Meng Qiao, who was in love with her. In Wanlu's struggle, love not only did not destroy any obstacles, but created obstacles. In the end, all three paid a painful price.

本书是琼瑶创作的长篇小说, 首次出版于1976年。一个就像她自己宣称的“我是一片云”似的自由自在, 无忧无虑的台湾少女宛露, 突然, 有一天, 面临着人生的十字路口: 是随饱经风霜的亲母亲而去, 还是留在养她, 爱她, 恩深似海的养父母身边。而爱情的悲剧, 又让宛露精神失常。在青梅竹马顾友岚全身心的爱跟两情相悦的孟樵锲而不舍的情之间, 她不断摇摆也饱受痛苦, 在宛露的挣扎中, 爱不仅没有摧毁任何障碍, 反而是在制造障碍。最终三个人都付出了惨痛的代价。