This book is lingering, sad and moving. It adopts the method of story within story, and draws out the emotional twists and turns of the older generation from the love story of the younger generation. It writes about the love experience of two generations of Li Mengzhu and Yang Xiaotong, a mother and daughter. The time span is very long and has a certain historical and life capacity. The novel praises pure and flawless love. Whether it is Mengzhu's previous love that broke through the feudal arranged marriage and bravely pursued freedom, or Rufeng's current love for Xiaotong, who is not moved by property and is infatuated with her poor family, it shows that true love despises all worldly values and will never be limited by money or family background.
本书缠绵悱恻、凄楚动人, 采取故事套故事的手法, 从下一辈人的爱情故事中引出上辈人的感情波折, 写了李梦竹、杨晓彤母女两代人的爱情经历, 时间跨度很长, 具有一定的历史和生活容量。小说颂扬了纯洁无瑕的爱情, 无论是梦竹以前冲破封建包办婚姻、勇敢追求自由的爱情, 还是现在如峰不为财产所动、痴心爱恋家境贫寒的晓彤, 都彰显出真正的爱情是鄙弃一切世俗价值的, 决不会为金钱、门第所局限。
本书缠绵悱恻、凄楚动人, 采取故事套故事的手法, 从下一辈人的爱情故事中引出上辈人的感情波折, 写了李梦竹、杨晓彤母女两代人的爱情经历, 时间跨度很长, 具有一定的历史和生活容量。小说颂扬了纯洁无瑕的爱情, 无论是梦竹以前冲破封建包办婚姻、勇敢追求自由的爱情, 还是现在如峰不为财产所动、痴心爱恋家境贫寒的晓彤, 都彰显出真正的爱情是鄙弃一切世俗价值的, 决不会为金钱、门第所局限。