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Paradise on Fire/失火的天堂

Transliterated Title:
Shi huo de tian tang
Qiong yao /琼瑶
Zuo jia chu ban she/作家出版社
Publish Date:
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The book tells the story of a little girl named Wandouhua who had to live with her stepfather Lu Senyao because her parents died. Lu Senyao abused her inhumanely, not only beating and scolding her fiercely, but also raping her when she was still a minor, causing Wandouhua to be covered in scars and become pregnant. By chance, Wandouhua was saved by a doctor named Qin Fei. Qin Fei and his wife Baojuan adopted Wandouhua with infinite sympathy and love for her. Under the care and care of Qin Fei and his wife, Wandouhua grew up to be a beautiful girl, He Jieqian, went to college, and was extremely talented in art.

本书内容讲述: 一个名叫豌豆花的小姑娘因为父母双亡只能跟随着她的继父鲁森尧生活。鲁森尧对她实施惨无人道的虐待, 不仅凶狠地打骂她, 而且对尚未成年的她实施了强暴, 导致豌豆花浑身伤痕累累, 并且怀了孕。在一个偶然的情况下, 豌豆花被一位名叫秦非的医生所救。秦非和他的妻子宝鹃怀着对豌豆花无限的同情和怜爱收养了她。在秦非夫妻二人的极力呵护和照顾下, 豌豆花长大成为美丽的少女--何洁舲, 上了大学, 并极具艺术才华。