This book tells the true and sad love story of Han Qing and Tuotuo. The hero and heroine fell in love in the most beautiful season of life, and promised to be together forever. But unexpectedly, Tuotuo was suffering from a terminal illness, and Han Qing could only watch his beloved leave him. He was deeply tormented but could do nothing. He wished he could die for her, but life was the only thing. Young life, promised to love each other for generations; such a simple and uncomplicated story, but such an ending, how can it not make people sigh? Maybe if we grasp the existing life and cherish everything around us, we can live without resentment and regret.
本书讲述了韩青和驼驼真实而凄凉的爱情故事。男女主人公在人生中最美好的季节相恋, 说好了要一辈子相依相伴、白头偕老。却不想, 驼驼身患绝症, 韩青只能眼睁睁地看着自己心爱的人离他而去, 深受煎熬却无能为力, 恨不能替她而去, 却奈何生命是唯一。年轻的生命, 许以生生世世相守的爱恋; 单纯不曲折的故事, 却如此结局, 怎不令人扼腕? 令人叹息? 也许把握现有的生活, 珍惜身边的一切, 人生可以不怨恨、不后悔。
本书讲述了韩青和驼驼真实而凄凉的爱情故事。男女主人公在人生中最美好的季节相恋, 说好了要一辈子相依相伴、白头偕老。却不想, 驼驼身患绝症, 韩青只能眼睁睁地看着自己心爱的人离他而去, 深受煎熬却无能为力, 恨不能替她而去, 却奈何生命是唯一。年轻的生命, 许以生生世世相守的爱恋; 单纯不曲折的故事, 却如此结局, 怎不令人扼腕? 令人叹息? 也许把握现有的生活, 珍惜身边的一切, 人生可以不怨恨、不后悔。