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Transliterated Title:
Ao te er
Nei meng gu fan yi jia xie hui zhu bian /内蒙古翻译家协会主编
Zuo jia chu ban she/作家出版社
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This book contains four novellas, Aote'er, Shisandu, Yaoji Shangtian, and Youmu Zhengchen. The original Mongolian manuscripts were published in magazines and translated into Chinese. The book uses literary methods to open a window for readers to understand the life style of the Inner Mongolia grassland. For example, the article Aote'er tells the unique way of herders, Aote'er, who graze by following water and grass through the experience of the boy Wuzhitunasen. The old, young, and light-strength members of the herders and some old and weak livestock stay in one camp, while the young and strong members and the rest of the livestock migrate at any time according to the conditions of the pasture and water source. During this period, they need to overcome various difficulties such as hard life and invasion by horse bandits, which reflects the impact of the unique living environment of the grassland on people, etc.

本书共收入《敖特尔》《十三渡》《遥寄上天》《游牧征尘》四个中篇, 蒙文原稿均曾在杂志上发表, 翻译成汉语出版, 用文学的手法打开了广大读者了解内蒙草原生活风情的窗口。例如《敖特尔》一文, 便通过男孩乌日图纳森的经历, 讲诉了“敖特尔”这种牧民逐水草流动放牧的独特方式。牧户中的老幼、轻体力成员和一些老弱牲畜留守一处营盘, 年轻体壮的成员连同其余的牲畜, 根据草场、水源的情况随时迁徙, 其间需要克服生活艰苦、马匪侵犯等种种困难, 体现了草原独特生活环境对人的影响, 等等。