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The wild geese return/雁归时节

Transliterated Title:
Yan gui shi jie
Nei meng gu fan yi jia xie hui zhu bian /内蒙古翻译家协会主编
Zuo jia chu ban she/作家出版社
Publish Date:
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This book contains a total of five novels: "The Sound of the Island Flute", "Migratory Birds", "The Waves of the Flat River", "The Son of the Sacred Tree" and "The Season of the Flying Geese". "The Sound of the Lonely Island Flute" uses modern creative techniques to follow the protagonist's flow of mind. , to find the meaning of existence; "Migratory Birds" depicts the growth story of a stranger "Lala" on the grassland; in "The Waves of the Pinghe River", the persistence of the "Mongolian yurt" craftsman Garudi old man sings The song of life of the children of the grassland; in "The Season of the Flying Geese", Rasga, who grew up among the sheep, left his hometown and became a miner. Although his income was much higher than in his hometown, the grassland, hometown, and relatives have always made him Unable to let go, I finally returned to my hometown... Five articles, each with its own characteristics, show the new look of Inner Mongolia's literary creation.

本书共收入《孤岛笛声》《候鸟》《平河惊涛》《神树之子》《雁归时节》五个中篇, 《孤岛笛声》使用了现代派的创作手法, 跟随主人公的心流, 去寻找存在的意义; 《候鸟》塑造了一个异乡人“喇喇”在草原的成长故事; 《平河惊涛》里, 制作“蒙古包”手艺人嘎如迪老人对传统的执着坚守, 唱响了草原儿女的生命之歌; 《雁归时节》里在羊群里长大的拉斯噶离开家乡成为了一名矿工, 虽然收入比在家乡高多了, 但草原、故乡、亲人一直让他割舍不下, 终于回归故里……五篇文章, 各有特色, 展现了内蒙文学创作的新面貌。