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Dreaming about space/筑梦太空

Transliterated Title:
Zhu meng tai kong
Piao dang mo er ben zhu /飘荡墨尔本著
Zuo jia chu ban she/作家出版社
Publish Date:
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The content of this book is about: In 2070, Liang Tian, the chief designer of human immigrants to Mars, and Fang Yuan, the deputy captain of the Galaxy Ship, used Mars as a relay station to find the other side of the solar system for humans, which was the Galaxy Proximity Project. Fang Yuan was born in 2050 when a space disaster took away 22 of Earth's top scientists. His father's Lunar-Earth Energy Project High-Performance Materials Laboratory was shut down because of this. Fang Yuan blamed Liang Tian for the shutdown and sabotaged all the way from Earth to Mars in an attempt to strand the Galaxy Ship on Mars. Liang Tian is a contemporary of Dongfanghong-1. His great-granddaughter Liang Xinghuo was left alone on Mars for various reasons and became a citizen of Mars-1.

本书内容讲述: 2070年, 人类移民火星总设计师梁天, 带着银河之舰的副舰长方原, 以火星为中继站, 为人类寻找太阳系之外的彼岸, 是为银河比邻计划。方原出生于2050年一场带走了22位地球顶级科学家太空灾难, 他爸爸的月地能源投掷高性能材料实验室, 还因此被关停。方原把关停的账算在了梁天身上, 从地球到火星的一路都在搞破坏, 企图让银河之舰滞留火星。梁天是东方红一号的同龄人, 他的曾孙女梁星火因为种种原因, 被独自留在火星, 成为火星一号公民。