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Guan shanyue/关山月

Transliterated Title:
Guan shan yue
Tan ge zhu /谈歌著
Zuo jia chu ban she/作家出版社
Publish Date:
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Contents of this book: The musical score "Guan Shan Yue" and the musical instrument playing it, the python skin qin, can kill everyone on the battlefield. In order to obtain them, the princes each sent their own confidants eunuchs and royal relatives to start hunting and confiscating them. Bai Yutang was ordered by Bao Zheng to arrest the criminal, but found that Bao Zheng had sent someone to follow him. He faced the sudden death of a rich businessman who was a double agent, the prince who issued an imperial edict, the strangeness of his fellow disciples, the truth behind the music score and the python skin piano, and the case. It's getting more and more confusing.

本书内容: 乐谱《关山月》和演奏它的乐器蟒皮琴可以在战场上大杀四方, 为了得到它们, 皇子们各自派出自己的心腹宦官、皇亲国戚开始了追杀、收缴。白玉堂奉包拯之命缉拿案犯, 却发现包拯竟派人跟踪自己, 面对突然死去的双面间谍富商、下诏的太子, 同门师弟的诡异, 乐谱和蟒皮琴背后的真相, 案子越来越扑朔迷离了。