This episode is about an unfavorable year in Tokyo. Murder cases occurred one after another. The victims were all high-ranking officials or wealthy businessmen. Bao Zheng, the governor of Kaifeng, was dismissed from office. The new governor Li Tianying was unable to solve the case and was impeached by hundreds of officials. Bai Yutang was visiting relatives and friends in Tokyo, but innocent people were also hunted down one after another. What is the purpose of the promoter behind the serial case? Bai Yutang, who is highly skilled in martial arts, bold and careful, breaks through the many fogs, and finally the truth is revealed! The work is suspenseful and fascinating.
本集写的是东京城这年流年不利, 接二连三发生凶杀案, 死者均为达官贵人或富甲商贾, 开封府尹包拯被罢官。新任府尹李天应无力破案, 被百官弹劾, 白玉堂本来东京探望亲朋故友, 无辜也被接连追杀。连环案背后的推手究竟用意何在? 武功高强、胆大心细的白玉堂破除重重迷雾, 终于真相大白! 作品悬疑迭出, 引人入胜。
本集写的是东京城这年流年不利, 接二连三发生凶杀案, 死者均为达官贵人或富甲商贾, 开封府尹包拯被罢官。新任府尹李天应无力破案, 被百官弹劾, 白玉堂本来东京探望亲朋故友, 无辜也被接连追杀。连环案背后的推手究竟用意何在? 武功高强、胆大心细的白玉堂破除重重迷雾, 终于真相大白! 作品悬疑迭出, 引人入胜。