This book is a long novel with a unique structure, based on the love between middle-aged men and women in the city. Lu Shan, a 40-year-old middle-aged man, opened a teahouse despite his family's opposition, hoping to realize his own value through physical business. Although the business was bleak in the early days, he insisted on his business philosophy. His wife Sun Lanxiang did not support him, and a crack appeared in their marriage. Yu Miao came to the teahouse and became Lu Shan's apprentice, helping him sell tea on the online platform, which gradually improved the teahouse business. The two established a deep relationship in the process of running the teahouse together. Although Lu Shan and Yu Miao fell in love with each other, Yu Miao eventually left Lu Shan without saying goodbye because Lu Shan considered his responsibility to his family.
本书是一部结构独特, 以当下都市中年男女爱情为题材的长篇小说。40岁的中年男人卢山不顾家人的反对开设了一家茶舍, 希望通过实体生意实现自己的价值。尽管初期生意惨淡, 但他坚持自己的经营理念。妻子孙兰香并不支持, 两人的婚姻关系因此出现了裂痕。于淼来到茶舍成为卢山的徒弟, 帮助他在网络平台上销售茶叶, 使得茶舍生意逐渐好转。两人在共同经营茶舍的过程中, 建立了深厚的情感。虽然卢山与于淼彼此倾心, 但由于卢山考虑到对家庭的责任, 于淼最终和卢山不辞而别。
本书是一部结构独特, 以当下都市中年男女爱情为题材的长篇小说。40岁的中年男人卢山不顾家人的反对开设了一家茶舍, 希望通过实体生意实现自己的价值。尽管初期生意惨淡, 但他坚持自己的经营理念。妻子孙兰香并不支持, 两人的婚姻关系因此出现了裂痕。于淼来到茶舍成为卢山的徒弟, 帮助他在网络平台上销售茶叶, 使得茶舍生意逐渐好转。两人在共同经营茶舍的过程中, 建立了深厚的情感。虽然卢山与于淼彼此倾心, 但由于卢山考虑到对家庭的责任, 于淼最终和卢山不辞而别。