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WPS Office office application from entry to proficiency/WPS Office办公应用从入门到精通

Transliterated Title:
WPS Office ban gong ying yong cong ru men dao jing tong
IT xin shi dai jiao yu bian zhu /IT新时代教育编著
Zhongguo shui li shui dian chu ban she /中国水利水电出版社
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The content of this book includes: ① Lists 18 workplace cases (such as labor contracts, employee training plans, company administrative manuals, corporate organizational charts, internal corporate work flow charts, employee entry registration forms, business trip application forms, and employee assessment system forms). , annual summary report, marketing plan, invitation letter, questionnaire, etc.), explaining in detail the practical skills of WPSOffice office document processing; ② Listing 18 workplace cases (such as company employee profile table, employee salary table, employee KPI performance table , performance bonus table, inventory management list, sales performance table, employee performance statistics chart, online store sales data pivot table, sales plan table, production planning table, etc.), explains in detail the practical skills of WPSOffice spreadsheet business office; ③ Listed 6 workplace cases
