This book is a biography of Zhang Zuolin, a famous representative of the Beiyang warlords. This book tells how Zhang Zuolin went from being a bandit who accepted amnesty to becoming the "Fengtian King", "King of the Outer Pass", "King of Manchuria", and the Grand Marshal of the Beijing government, showing the legendary life of a generation of warlords in the Beiyang period. This book strives to observe historical figures from a more comprehensive and objective perspective. It not only truthfully describes Zhang Zuolin's warlike efforts to "take over the world", repeatedly entering the pass and marching troops to fight for hegemony in the Central Plains, which led to the country, the people and himself being harmed, but also does not ignore his skillful dealings with the Japanese under pressure, thus doing everything possible to safeguard China's national sovereignty.
本书是著名北洋军阀代表人物张作霖的传记作品。本书讲述了张作霖如何从接受招抚的土匪, 进而一步步成为”奉天王””关外王””满蒙之王”, 以及在北京政府的陆军大元帅的过程, 展现了北洋时期一代乱世枭雄极具传奇色彩的一生。本书力求从一个更为全面和客观的角度去进行观察历史人物, 既如实地描写了张作霖为了”取天下”不惜穷兵黩武, 屡次入关进兵争霸中原, 导致误国误民又误己的一面, 同时也没有忽略他顶着压力巧妙地与日本人进行周旋, 从而千方百计维护中国国家主权的一面。
本书是著名北洋军阀代表人物张作霖的传记作品。本书讲述了张作霖如何从接受招抚的土匪, 进而一步步成为”奉天王””关外王””满蒙之王”, 以及在北京政府的陆军大元帅的过程, 展现了北洋时期一代乱世枭雄极具传奇色彩的一生。本书力求从一个更为全面和客观的角度去进行观察历史人物, 既如实地描写了张作霖为了”取天下”不惜穷兵黩武, 屡次入关进兵争霸中原, 导致误国误民又误己的一面, 同时也没有忽略他顶着压力巧妙地与日本人进行周旋, 从而千方百计维护中国国家主权的一面。