This book is a collection of 129 typical questions and their simple and unexpected answers collected and summarized by Guy Barter, chief consultant of the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) in his decades of gardening practice. Some of these questions are closely related to real life, while others are fanciful. If you do not fully master a series of subject knowledge from soil structure to plant chemistry, many questions are not so easy to answer. Each question in this book is both independent and related. It starts with a question (there will be a Q symbol prompt in the book), which arouses the curiosity and interest of readers, and then introduces the relevant background and actual situation in a simple and easy-to-understand way, and then gives answers that are often surprising (there will be an A symbol prompt in this part of the book). Finally, there is often a special extended reading as a supplement or extension of the knowledge point, which not only enriches the content of the whole book, but also increases the fun of reading. The illustrations and layout reflect the author's professionalism and care everywhere.
本书是英国皇家园艺学会(RHS)首席顾问盖伊·巴特(Guy Barter)在其数十年园艺实践中收集和归纳的129个典型问题及其既简单明了又出乎意料的解答。这些问题中有的和实际生活密切相关,有的则异想天开,如果没有充分掌握从土壤结构到植物化学等一系列的学科知识,许多问题都并不那么容易回答。本书每一个问题既相互独立又前后关联,开篇都从一个问句开始(书中会有Q符号提示),引起读者的好奇和兴趣,然后深入浅出的介绍相关的背景和实际情况,再给出往往令人觉得意外的答案(书中这部分会有A符号提示),最后往往还有特别的拓展阅读,作为对该知识点的补充或延伸,既丰富了全书的内容,也增加了阅读的乐趣。配图、版式等处处体现着作者的专业和用心。
本书是英国皇家园艺学会(RHS)首席顾问盖伊·巴特(Guy Barter)在其数十年园艺实践中收集和归纳的129个典型问题及其既简单明了又出乎意料的解答。这些问题中有的和实际生活密切相关,有的则异想天开,如果没有充分掌握从土壤结构到植物化学等一系列的学科知识,许多问题都并不那么容易回答。本书每一个问题既相互独立又前后关联,开篇都从一个问句开始(书中会有Q符号提示),引起读者的好奇和兴趣,然后深入浅出的介绍相关的背景和实际情况,再给出往往令人觉得意外的答案(书中这部分会有A符号提示),最后往往还有特别的拓展阅读,作为对该知识点的补充或延伸,既丰富了全书的内容,也增加了阅读的乐趣。配图、版式等处处体现着作者的专业和用心。