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Beautiful night of cherry blossoms/樱照良宵

Transliterated Title:
Ying zhao liang xiao
Po zhe hao yiyi zhu /破折号yiyi著
Bai hua wen yi chu ban she /百花文艺出版社
Publish Date:
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Contents of this book: The male protagonist He Lanxiao’s master Yingzhao is the best swordsman in the world, and his skills are unfathomable. However, the master's left wrist was engraved with the word "Zhou". At first, He Lanxiao thought this word meant to kill all the bad guys in the world and protect the common people. Later, he learned that the master originally wanted to carve a person's name, and he would use forbidden techniques to preserve the memories related to that person forever. Life after life, year after year, we will never forget each other. It was not until later that he realized that the owner of this name was actually himself. The story background of this book is grand and complete, and the character settings are extremely vivid and vivid, which can bring positive guidance to readers.

本书内容: 男主角贺兰宵的师父樱招是当世第一剑修, 修为深不可测。然而, 师傅的左手手腕上却刻着一个“斩”字。起初, 贺兰宵以为这个字是斩尽天下不良人, 守护苍生的意思。后来他才知道, 师傅原本是想刻一个人的名字, 不惜动用禁术, 也要将与那人有关的回忆永生永世地保留。生生世世, 岁岁年年, 永不相忘。也是直到后来他才知道, 这个名字的主人竟然是他自己。本书的故事背景宏大且完整, 人物设定极其生动鲜活, 能够给读者带来积极的导向。