This book is the second collection of novels by Zhu Fa, a scholar who teaches at the Institute of Ancient Books at Shanghai Normal University. Different from traditional short stories that generally focus on plot, it uses only a few classical documents to write articles about various weird things and even monsters in the South one by one. There are thirty articles in total. There is a parallel relationship between the chapters. There is no parallel relationship between them. The overriding structure and sequence. From this special perspective, the author compiled the records of the far south in ancient Chinese classics, and rewrote and organized the ancient Chinese people's imagination of the south. The author elaborates based on limited materials, showing solid philological and historical skills, and the ability to cite extensive references.
本书是执教于上海师范大学古籍研究所的学者朱琺的第二本小说集。不同于一般以情节为主的传统的短篇小说, 使用只鳞片爪的古典文献资料, 把南方的各种古怪的事物乃至妖魔, 逐一写成文章, 共计三十篇, 篇章之间呈平行关系, 没有凌驾其上的结构与顺序。从这一特殊的角度, 作者辑录了中国本土的古代典籍对遥远南方的记录, 重新书写、整理了古代中国人对南方的想象。作者根据有限的材料进行阐发, 表现出扎实的文献学和史学技巧、旁征博引的引证能力。
本书是执教于上海师范大学古籍研究所的学者朱琺的第二本小说集。不同于一般以情节为主的传统的短篇小说, 使用只鳞片爪的古典文献资料, 把南方的各种古怪的事物乃至妖魔, 逐一写成文章, 共计三十篇, 篇章之间呈平行关系, 没有凌驾其上的结构与顺序。从这一特殊的角度, 作者辑录了中国本土的古代典籍对遥远南方的记录, 重新书写、整理了古代中国人对南方的想象。作者根据有限的材料进行阐发, 表现出扎实的文献学和史学技巧、旁征博引的引证能力。